Monday, October 14, 2013

Ribbons of Hope 2014 Awareness Calendar

I know many people have read my blogs, it makes me so happy to know this and see this. Shamelessly I am going to plug my nonprofit publication during this one! I know I know two personal blogs in a row! What can you do with me right? Trust me it's worth it keep reading!

I decided that I was tired of seeing "pink" awareness ribbons everywhere all the time. Yes, it is October now which is Breast Cancer Awareness month. I know that breast cancer is a HUGE disease that has taken women to soon, is taking our breasts, and turning some women into stronger women than they knew they could be!! I am not taking from or complaining about that! I support all disease awareness and searches for cures! They are the same to me, each disease needs the same amount of attention.  None of them are any better or any worse off than other!

Knowing since I was very young that Cystic Fibrosis had a purple awareness ribbon. I would get so upset that I NEVER saw a purple ribbon, but always a pink one. All over the stores, tv, and billboards. That never made since to me and well it still doesn't.

I started looking into it and found that there are 100's of diseases and different ribbon colors representing diseases. I have never heard of, however they were terminal or life altering like Breast Cancer, but unlike cancers, these diseases I've found out about and did research for, didn't have a treatment or surgery that could possibly rid them of it. The diseases I came across were more like Cystic Fibrosis. There are medications and breathing treatments that can prolong the disease. No medications or surgeries to fix these horrible diseaaes. We have to have this all of our lives and thats what bothers me.

Why not have a yellow ribbon for endometriosis, a purple for fibromialgia, a gray ribbon for diabetes, a red and blue one for pulmonary fibrosis, an orange one for MS, or a green one for mental disease awareness? Why were these never plastered on a bag of chips? Lids of yogurts? Pop/soda cans and bottles? I decided to take it on by myself starting as small as I can with just myself and my fiancĂ©.  We haven't really been able to see what a success we could be because of complications in my home town. I mentioned in the beginning of this blog. The ideas 

Spreading the word of our publication and what we are wanting to do will help to bring awareness to these diseases that seem to have be put on the back burner. These diseases put people and their families through hell. 

In my opinion you should not need to be affected by any disease to want to help, spread awareness, and just selflessly help when you can, only because you can.

This publication I am talking about is an awareness calendar for 2014 with 12 months and 11 inspiring trumpet stories. From men and women living through a life threatening disease such as myself with CF or the other 10 life altering or terminal diseases. I am still here and so are they making strides everyday. 

This calendar is to celebrate that. Celebrate life, health, success, and happines through chaos!

Update: These calendars are no longer for sell as they were for 2014. 

Awareness is the key for cures,