Cystic Fibrosis affects each individual living with the disease differently! Some of us have it worse than others. The severity of CF depends on the gene mutations that each Cystic has.
Healthy lungs produce mucus, with intent to protect their air ways and make it easier for a healthy person to breathe.
But for a person with CF, the mucus is thicker and sticky it clog's up the lungs. Making a nice home for bacteria to easily grow and bacteria causing infections. Because of the mucus clogging a CFers air ways this lowers the Cystic's immune systems. Making it easier for someone with CF to contract different viruses and "made for CF only bugs" and infections. Leaving the lungs very scarred and multiple hospital stays.
Daily chest physical therapy (Chest PT) is needed at least 3 times daily. There are several ways of doing that. I personally prefer the old fashioned method of "beatings". Normally you will need to have someone help "beat your back" for you. As you can only do the sides and your front upper lung areas. In order to do this specific therapy to move the secretions (mucus) up and out of the lungs. You will need to cup your hands and literally smack the Cystic where their lungs are making a galloping sound. By doing this it will help get the junk up and out of a Cystic's lung.
There are several different lung strengthening devices and methods used to help a Cystic breathe by bringing the mucus up and out of air ways.
These are the 4 methods I prefer(ed) to use. There are many new and different ones.
*First Method- That is the old fashioned method of making it easier to breathe. They have new medications and methods now that most of the younger Cystic's are using. These methods I am not 100% sure on. I like the way I do things. I feel like being "beat" on has always been the thing that has worked thus far, why change it now. As my father would say, "if it's not broke, don't fix it"
***And a CF trait is stubbornness!
However, there are many new devices, breathing tests, medications, and newer ways of doing Chest PT. Just keep in mind, I am a dinosaur as of now so I may not talk about the new ways and devices. Mainly because I am blind to them.
*Second Method- Growing up I had rescued inhalers that contained albuteral and still have them today. I have to carry it with me anywhere I go. I normally have one stashed in the car, every purse I own, my parents' house, and one in the kitchen. That was the 2nd method I still use today.
*Third Method- After my inhalers came the "Flutter" which is a small handheld device. I always thought it looked like an "Old mans pipe". It was plastic with a mouthpiece at one end, a cover with tiny ventilation holes, and a tiny steel ball into a cone on the inside. The Flutter helps airway clearance by, vibrating the air ways to loosen mucus, keeping the air ways open when breathing out, and forcing "mini-coughing sprees" to help bring out the junk in our lungs.
The flutter was always my favorite. Mainly because of the way it worked with the little ball. I lost that thing so many times. I no longer use a flutter I use the next method the acapella.
*Fourth Method - The acapella is also a small plastic device. I have always called it a "pickle" because that it what it looks like. This device uses a plug and magnet rather than the steel ball in the Flutter. It uses pressure and vibration to move mucus out of the lungs.
Every method works differently for different CFers. My advice to the moms and dads out there, so that chest PT isn't such a pain is to make it fun.
You can have a balloon blowing up a contest to see how many balloons they can blow up in 5 minutes. Do a "whistle off" take two whistles and see who can blow it the loudest. Start singing songs, singing or yelling will help move mucus and break it up. Blow out candles, make a goal of 20 candles in 10 seconds. Deep breathing for fun, just go back and forth with each other on how big of a breath you can take and hold in. Take a paper towel roll for "bear calls" and send them out hunting for bear, in the process of strengthening their lungs they are exercising while searching for a "bear". Do your best at lung strengthening by making it a game.
As long as you keep working on your lungs. Trying to get the extra mucus out and make the lungs stronger on your own. You will fight having to wear oxygen for a lot longer. The healthier a Cystic's lung is the healthier a Cystic can be!
Breathing for Fun,