Friday, June 20, 2014

Smokers & CF

I have been slacking here I have so much going on. However I need to vent and this is more of a personal CF vent. Hopefully I can touch anyone who may be in my position.

My parents, siblings, nieces, and nephews all smoke. Most of my friends smoke, my soon to be husband (in 20 days) he smokes cigars. I have no problem with it at all.

The problem I have with it is when people will look at me and treat me like a four year old who did something wrong. Then tells me to go to another room so they can finish their cigarettes. 

NO not anymore!

     ♥I do not warrant that small length of time for you not to smoke to be with you. Just because you will NEED a cigarette.
    ♥The entire time I am near you and the wind blows you panic acting like your hurting my lungs. In reality that really bothers me.
    ♥If your first thought was "Damn it Sandi is coming so I can't smoke that pack in an hour like I would want to."

   ♡You care enough to wait for the next cigarette until after I leave your house.
   ♡You are curious and ask, "Hey Sandi is my smoke bothering you?"

My answer will be a laugh and say no you're ok. Why? Because I am 27 years old if I physically do not want to be around smoke. My lungs and legs know where the door is! I do not need to be talked to like a 4 year old and ordered around as to where I should go.

When you act like that it only makes me feel like you do not care about me at all. The only thing being cared about at all is your nicotine fix. Then simply leave me out of the party. Why show me around and not even be around me because of cigarettes? Doesn't make sense to me at all.

You would think I would be used to it my parents smoked my entire life. In my room, house, car, everything. Of course that was an older time lol. It never really bothered me to a bad point. It is more of the actions or words being said that bothered me more than someone and their addictions.

I guess it makes me feel like I am hindering their smoking experience.  That will only make sense to another Cystic. Lol

No, Thank You,