Monday, July 3, 2017

CF and Forgetting Meds

Every single day we wake and remember to breathe, because if we don't we die. Our meds and nebs should be just as easy to remember to take right? Wrong!

Knowing we need to take medications and do breathing treatments while living with a terminal, lifelong, chronic disease is common sense, yes! However when life happens you tend to forget the simplest things. We are all guilty of forgetting to take our meds, do treatments, and sometimes even to eat. That goes for those of us who are sick and our caregivers. Life is hard! To manage said life while being sick or caring for someome else who is sick, is even harder!!!

👨‍👩‍👧When I was younger I used to hate my mother always being on me every time I ate, when I came home from school, before bed, and when I woke up to take my pills and do my treatments. Oh, how I dreaded the phone call when I got to my friends houses or events. All I heard her say involved "take your meds" of course she told me to behave, leave with who I came with, and have fun. All I heard back then was nagging and I'm so thankful for it now! To this day I hear my mom's voice reminding me to do my nebs and take my meds, even when I forget on occasion she's still there.

I'm 30 now and have had C.F. from day one and STILL forget my meds. There is nothing wrong with forgetting! Infact, it's actually common and normal to go on with the day without thinking of medications. Especially, if you are feeling for the most part healthy at that particular moment.

Here are a few ways to remember your meds and nebs.

👀Recently, I've started to use the weekly pill holders and they sit beside my bed for when I wake up and when I go to bed! That way it's visually in front of my face. Not hidden in a medicine cabinet or closet, but where I can see them and be reminded to take them.

🕰You can set alarms on your phone that tell you it's med time. I know that seems simple and a little cheesy, but it does help. It's basically still being able to have your mom (or dad) nag you if they aren't there to do it. You could take it a step further and record your parents telling you to take them as the alarm sound. Also a spouse can work for this too.

🎮 I've used the pill reminder app, Medisafe before and it's amazing. It has an entire medication database that you can program each of the meds you take, dosages, times, and even what they look like. It is very easy to use and would come in handy for pre teens and teens to remember which meds and which times they needed to take. Most all teens have cells now, so it's a good bet it would help.

Give yourself a break when you forget, we are all human and it happens. Never be hard on yourself and if you are a caregiver, please don't get mad or angry at the Cystic for forgetting. I mean we lock ourselves out of houses and cars by being forgetful. It's the same concept!

Always Forgetful,

For more tips or C.F. insight like me on Facebook!!