Tuesday, May 2, 2017

Healthy Foods and CF

I asked a hand full of Cystic's what they felt was the hardest thing to manage both literally and financially and FOOD was the number one answer!

I'm the first one to grab something covered in sugar or some deep fried goodness, but my husband and I have decided to start eating healthy. Now, for someone with CF that is extremely risky and tricky as we need salt, extra fat, protein, and sugar to keep us going.

Not to mention the amount of calories needed for a Cystic to thrive and maintain what little weight we can gain, is roughly 4,500 a day. So, here are a few tips and pictures for meals that I have made this past week for myself and my husband that were actually very tasty and have the nutrition that someone with CF needs along with not making the hubs gain a ton of weight.

🍝I simply add extra helpings to my plate after the main meal is made!

Keep in mind all Cystic Fibrosis patients are different when it comes to weight management and what works for me may not work for anyone else. Not to mention our taste buds are all different as well.

The main things a Cystic needs extra's of are protein, iron, calcium, salt, and zinc! Here is a run down of breakfast only, if I did a list of a ton of meals I wouldn't enjoy reading it myself let alone asking you to read it. 

🍳Proteins: I have been using a lot of eggs for both breakfast and snacks and even in some dinners. Eggs contain iron, minerals, vitamins, and protein which are all great for anyone fighting disease or just wanting to be healthy in general. Me personally, I do purchase organic free ranged eggs, that is not necessary to do. One egg contains only 75 calories, to make sure you get the right amount of calories feel free to have more than one egg for breakfast.

🍇Fruits: Pair your eggs with a fruit of your choice. I prefer strawberries, bananas, or grapes. Of course all fruits are packed with vitamins and some even antioxidants that help fight infection. If you like oranges or grapes and have CFRD (CF related Diabetes) remember oranges, especially the little ones and grapes are FULL of natural sugars and you can hurt yourself eating too many! So, pace your fruit intake especially in the morning.

🌯Carbs: Everyone thinks it's bad to have carbs in your diet, but you actually do need them and some are good, some are bad. I have been going with Rye bread, or whole wheat tortilla wraps, and spinach for breakfast. Spinach is an excellent source of vitamins, magnesium, iron, potassium, zinc, protein, and dietary fiber. Making spinach a great carb to eat for CFers and who doesn't want to be like, Popeye?

I know green stuff is not something I would normally eat. In fact half of the time I just said I didn't like spinach only because, it was green! I mentally told myself that green food was going to be nasty. However, I am surprised that spinach with scrambled eggs, cheddar cheese, and a wheat wrap is, oh so yummy.

🌱Now, again be careful with spinach or any dark leafy greens if you are on any type of blood thinner. Vitamin K helps your blood clot. In turn doing what your blood thinner is trying to stop!

🍧Of course then you have other sides you can add like cottage cheese. Alot of people do not like cottage cheese, because of the texture and I understand that completely, I am the same way with tomatoes! However, it is a great side dish or snack to add to your meals. It is packed full of protein, good carbs, and the calories a Cystic needs to keep up the calorie intake. You can have it alone too, as a snack with fresh fruit, which is great!

Now, a dietitian will tell you not to eat anything diet related and stay away from anything lowfat. This is true to a point! I'm not going to bore anyone by telling you a rundown of my meal plan, but what I am going to do is share my grocrey list and photos of meals with links to helpful programs. If you want to know more about the recipes simply ask. 

As a CFer when it comes to cutting down freezer and processed foods the biggest tip is to simply double whatever you are eating. A healthy lemon chicken is great for your spouse or  "healthy" family members. For you to get the right nutritional value eat two chicken breasts instead of one with extra brown rice and so on.

My main concern when switching up our meals from quick freezer, prepackaged, processed, microwaved meals to fresh, organic, and healthy, "must cook", meals was that is was going to rob us blind. As it was hard enough to pay for food when I was buying the super cheap food. However, I went to the grocery store with the help of a few coupons I was able to buy everything for $150.00 and haven't needed to go back to the grocery store yet. Now, it has been a week and most of our fresh fruits and veggies are gone and I will need to go to the store again soon...

Here is my list for everything in order to make healthy and flavorful fresh fruit smoothies, popsicles, meals, and snacks like I have;
1 Stalk- Asparagus
1 Cluster- Bananas
1Lbs. Carrots 
4- Corn on the Cob
1 Large- Cucumber
Garlic (Fresh)
1 Bag- Granny Smith Apples
1 - Grapefruit
2- Kiwi
1 bag- Lemons
2- Limes
1 Large - Onion
1 Bag- Oranges
2- Pears
1 Head- Romaine Lettuce
1- Spinach
1 Box- Strawberries
1 Bag- Sweet Potatoes
4- Tomatoes
1- Watermelon 
2- Zucchini 

1 Carton- Eggs
2 Bags- Boneless Chicken Breasts
1 Pack- Pork Chops
2Lbs. - Turkey Breast
2 Bags- Shrimp

1 Lbs. -Cheddar Cheese
2 Large Tubs- Cottage Cheese
6 Oz. -Sour Cream
16 Oz Tub- Greek Yogurt

2 Cartons- Almond Milk
1 Carton- Orange Juice
1 Case- Green Tea
2 Bottles- V-8
Mt. Dew (Yes, I'm still drinking pop)

Brown Rice
Chicken Broth
Coconut Oil
Corn Starch 
Olive Oil (I didn't buy new, I had some)
Peanut Butter
Plain popcorn
Veg. Broth
Wheat Pasta 

Wheat Bread
Wheat Tortilla

Now, I did buy all organic, gluten free, and fresh foods. You do not have to do that. I also went to Foodlion, I am not aware of what prices may be in any other place.

If you know a Cystic who needs help buying food to keep them as healthy as possible, as it is extreamly expensive, Foodlion actually has a way of doing just that and all you need is an email address for gift cards.

Also, the Pertzye enzyme has a program for those Cystics without government insurance to help purchase food. 

Staying on the right path with healthy foods,