All my life I've been a costly female and I don't mean, because I like diamonds and sushi. Since the day I was born my life has been racking up bills, insurance and Medicaid. Big Pharma has pretty much owned me!
๐คMy parents really had no say in the matter if they wanted to see me live and thrive with Cystic Fibrosis.
Luckily, I didn't start getting extreamly sick until I was older, but that didn't make anything any more or less expensive. With this I have to explain, I've only paid out of pocket no more than a $20.00 co-pay each month for my personal medications and maybe $10 for hospital visits. Of, course that changes depending on who our President is and what they think is best for Americans, when having no idea what it's like living the way I do.
☝Which, personally makes me feel they shouldn't have a say at all. Then, I rethink that! Because, without the government having a hand in my health and my health insurance, I would have never made it this far!! I keep seeing things about "I can only get generic meds." Or "You voted for Trump, if you lose your coverage it's your fault."
Generic meds are no better or no worse than the brand name meds. Want to know a secret? They are both made by the same pharmaceutical companies. They contain the SAME ingredients and most of the time it's the doctor who prescribes it that way. Just giving the pharmaceutical companies more money. Period!
๐As long as you are able to get your meds why are you complaining? You should be rejoicing that you only paid $4.20 instead of $20.36 for a 30 day supply of ONE med, when you take over 20 meds a day.
No, those are not real figures, I picked random ass amounts. These, however are real figures.
In ONE hospital stay from July 30th to Aug. 17th my insurance (Medicaid aka Government paid insurance) was charged, $80,154.00 for 18 days! Now, understand that's roughly $4,455.00, A DAY!
For the THREE times I've been hospitalized since moving to SC, Medicaid has paid $190,367.00 and leaving me to pay $80.00 out of pocket. Thank you, Medicaid for helping me live without making me live under a bridge, bankrupt.
☡And NO its not, because of the ACA or Obama. It's been like this for 30 years!
I am not one for numbers and I hate even typing all of them it hurts my head. However, please understand WHY I am sharing this information.
I am terminally ill! I live day to day in fear of what tomorrow may bring. One day I'm good and have all the energy in the world and the next I can be in the ICU fighting for my life. Cystic Fibrosis isn't an easy disease. It isn't something that makes any sense and will stop you on dime for no reason. I am, because of my severity with CF considered permanently disabled and unable to work!
Not all people with CF are like I am. Many are still able to work while managing their disease.
If not for the government paying for my stay and my generic medication, that I'm so thankful for, what do you suggest I do in order to pay this unbelievably large bill? Instead of insulting me via social media?
๐.............anything yet?๐..............No?๐ค You got nothing? Me either, which is why I am thankful for whatever plan they have. Anything is better than, nothing.
No matter what this president, the last one, or the next one does, I will still be sick! I will still be faced with these bills and I will still need ANY type of health care they decide on giving me and will be thankful for it!
๐ธBecause, the Kardashian's money, I do not have and honestly if we add up ALL of my hospitalizations from day one plus 30 years later, even the Kardashian's or Trump's personal money couldn't afford it.
Things we can do to attempt to change the costs and not add to the blindness media shares.
1. Be thankful for the breath you breathe and whatever medications your insurance will pay for.
2. Address the Members of Congress on your behalf and the behalf of your disease concerning healthcare.
3. Educate yourself on the current policy and the possible changing of Healthcare and what it truly means for YOU. (DO NOT JUMP ON THE INTERNET BAN WAGON BELIEVING EVERYTHING YOU SEE ON FACEBOOK, including my blogs. I'm not in the "know, know" 100%)
4. Contact your diseases foundation(s) and see what if anything you can do to help your medical worrying. For Cystic Fibrosis, you can find what they are doing to help those with CF at, CFF
5. Finally, don't panic! Don't be mad at anyone who thinks differently than you. And DON'T blame someone who is afraid of losing their medical coverage on who they voted for. That's just hateful and asinine.
As someone with a terminal/chronic/debilitating disease, just be thankful for today!
Always, Always Smile,
To follow my journey and see if I lose my coverage ๐ like me on Facebook!
To follow my journey and see if I lose my coverage ๐ like me on Facebook!