This issue has always been an irritating one to me. I would go to parties or socials when I was in college. Yet the same questions would haunt me.
"Can you drink?" "Do you smoke weed?" "You don't drink, do you?" "Do you get "insert pill name here"? The questions were always so stupid and irritating. Acting as if I should be in a bubble or that I was ignoring my health.
Why people would start assuming I was unable to drink is beyond me. Yet it always seemed to bother me. Drinking with CF, mind you I want to say responsible legal drinking! Is not forbidden we can do just about anything anyone else does just with obstacles. Do I smoke, NO, I have run a crossed a few Cystic's that do, however, in the end that is their choice. Same thing with pot or anything else. I would not advise anything "recreational" at all for a Cystic as it could really mess with your health and the reaction mixed with meds could be terrible. A long time ago, I was 16ish my doctor told me if I did smoke pot the medical aspect would help my lungs right now but would have horrible side effects later. So needless to say I did try it once (no reason to not be honest, I can't help others if not giving the full story and the truth behind my experiences) The next day I coughed so bad and non stop for hours it was terrible. I have never even had the urge or want to attempt it again. I know a lot of Cystic's who lived through the 60's and 70's and were the "wild child". Life is what it is regardless of health issues, temptations and peer pressure will always be there.
Yes, we can party, go out, drink (if you want to) and have a good time. It is up to each of us what we do with our bodies just as it is a healthy person! However, some CFers have a trick up their sleeve if you have severe digestion and absorption problems, like myself. Drinking alcohol when you have problems absorbing anything, you can drink like a tank. Although all stories and situations are different, mind you.
♥In college, I used to bet guys I could drink them under the table, big college meat heads mind you. I would always win, shot for shot and I was never even buzzed. That gets old, though mainly because you're the only one who can drink for 2 hours and not be falling down drunk. My drinking days are far behind me now. However, that is a personal choice not a medical one.
★I would advise to be cautious, know your limits and do not just try it!
Being able to go to bars was a big question I used to get all the time. Friends, family, and sorority sisters would worry because all of the bars back then were, smoker friendly. So going to a bar meant going into a room filled with smoke. I found it easier and better for me not to do a treatment until I got home. If I would do one before going out it would open my lungs and allow more second hand smoke to get into my lungs. So by doing one when I got home it would get a lot of the gunk up and out. Of course I was putting myself in harms way and knew this. However, my health will never stand in the way of me doing what I wanted to do. I just needed to figure out ways of making it work to not get sick.
So don't think just because you have CF you have to lead a hermits lifestyle. Especially those of you of legal age 18-21 years old. Just think it through logically, have a plan before going, be smart about it, and know your needs and how they may affect your choices as well.
Living Life to The Fullest
For more info, tips, and my journey with CF, please like me on Facebook
My sorority sisters and I at a bar, drinking many years ago! I am in the Hooters shirt! :)